Applying previous origination experience and skill set to my own freelance/remote graphics service. Offering design, editing and desktop publishing - including scanning, retouching, self-publishing projects, variable data preparations, website design and builds, basic video editing and print project management/buying/consulting.
Responsible for all functions and associated resources of the front-end: Design, typesetting, retail builds, photography, proofreaders, dtp-prepress and plate rooms in two national plants. See SKILLSET PAGE/Electronic Origination and Prepress Management for a breakdown of responsibilities.
Responsible for all operators and functions across three shifts 24/5. Manage resources optimally to meet proofing and production planning deadlines. Liaise with Sales team and clients with regards to preparation and formats of incoming work in order to highlight any impact on quality and production target dates. Functions included: Staffing schedules (manning), training, disciplinary procedures, proof tracking, quality control and production feedback.
Heading up a set team of six DTP and Prepress Operators responsible for following production deadlines according to daily planning schedules. Confirming job status'and carrying out handovers to next shift with regards to exceptions on jobs, equipment and staffing.
High-end transparency and reflection scanning on Heidelberg Topaz | Colour separations | Colour enhancements | Retouching | Deep-etching | Film Imaging | Chromalin Proofing | Photoshop - Quark Xpress | Image Library OPI Updates
Typography and typesetting | Layouts of copy and images : educational and commercial publications, magazines, commercial marketing, stationery, business forms and financial reports | Scanning: reflection and transmission (flatbed scanners) | Retouching, Cloning, Deep-etching, Local and general colour correction | Vector drawing, composite masks, path tracing | Electronic imposition | forme-proofs, laser-proofs, EFI colour managed proofs, online and soft-proofing
Printing Newspaper and Packaging Industry Training Board: Electronic Origination 2.5 year apprenticeship: Apprentice enrolments and evaluations, practical modules instruction and assessment through 4 skill level phases.
Film contacting: negative and positives (contact frames and processors) Peel-off-system, tint laying and masking: rubylith and goldenrod Upright Camera: Photo Mechanical Transfer (PMT), Screening, Panfilm, Separations Film Stripping: Separation registration and imposition patching Mechanical Proofs: Chromalin and Dyeline proofing Scanning: Drum scanner, film cassettes, separations, unsharp-masking, aperture and scaling adjustments Darkroom Negative Imposition: Opti-Copy step programming and exposures Platemaking: Positive/negative working plates contacting and processor operation and maintenance Step and Repeat: Step co-ordinate programming and operation Plate baking