This site presents a compilation of my professional attributes and endeavours to assist you in identifying the criteria needed to fulfil your hiring requirements. My intention is to attract the consideration of a rewarding, progressive and stable organisation where I can apply all of my abilities, add real value and continue to grow.
My entire professional life of 27 years has been in printing, with formal industry training and subsequent qualifications in the prepress arena. My journey started with an apprenticeship at one of the larger and most respected printing companies in South Africa. Once I became a photo-lithographer I immediately completed my second trade in Electronic Origination as the desktop publishing wave hit the country. I have grown with the countless software and hardware releases, developing a valuable collection of skills which were learned and adapted over two decades. My top priority is to be up to date with every software version and workflow update released. This allows me to take full advantage of each new tool and maintain my knowledge, proficiency and applied training ability.
Presently, as an Origination and Prepress Manager I oversee all electronic front-end processes from graphic design, typesetting, proof-reading, desktop layout, pre-flighting, imposition, proofing, plate imaging for 8-up offset and file supply to toner-based and inkjet web digital presses. I have managed a team of up to forty personnel across two national plants responsible for all the functions mentioned. My experience in the trade as well as my certification as a trade training instructor, has afforded me the ability to provide project guidance, technical assistance and problem-solving for internal processes and clients alike. Our industry has benefited from huge leaps in technology as we constantly identify new products and service offerings, allowing diversification and adding value to client partnerships.
Apart from nurturing beneficial client relationships through taking a personal interest in my client's work, it has served me well to provide a friendly and approachable point of contact where we meet the client at any level of expertise and ensure best practices for file creation and submission. I am particularly passionate about demystifying the whole high-end printing environment which is sometimes intimidating for new self-publishers and creators. By helping clients and designers understand the applicable rules and possibilities they can create and achieve world-class print products.
Yours in print.
Noel McShane