Colour management standards and procedures
for plant quality monitoring
Responsibility Overview
- Manage and drive correct colour handling procedures specific to output streams: offset (litho) and digital printing
- Implement procedures and tools (hardware/software)
- Correct use of colour profiles, colour modes, optimisation based on output
- Managing client expectations of colour and image quality
- Maintain output equipment: EFI-Epson proofer and spectrometer, Kodak Plate setter exposure and development monitoring
- Monitor and update press colour performance - arrange press profiling and plate curve updates per unit/press.
- Evaluate final printed products: quality checks for colour, tonal gradations, registration, back-ups
as well as binding and trimming accuracy.
Colour Quality Checkpoints
- Client pre-submission assistance with artwork quality and colour usage checks
- Preflight incoming artwork - image resolutions and colour modes/conversions
- Tagging colour profiles (dependant on client requests)
- Output colour managed proofs (ISO 12647-7)
- Ink optimisation to improve colour/tone and reduce (CMY) ink coverage to improve drying time
- Confirm plate output screen ruling conforms to print stock
- Inspect plate control wedges for development quality
- Press delta-E readings (previously standard densities)
- Press-sheet visual comparison to EFI certified proof.
Prinergy RGB-CMYK conversion, Photoshop conversion (image specific), Alwan Optimisation (CMY replacement),
EFI Spectoproofer (Delta-E Certification), Plate Densitometer (Reading Linear Curve Plates 1-2% tolerance)